Choosing Turnaround Consultants

by Tom Myers

Choosing Turnaround Consultants

by Tom Myers

by Tom Myers

In challenging times, many great people are looking for work.  Some turn to consulting, and some consultants rebrand themselves as Turnaround Consultants.

Turnaround Consultants are a unique breed.  They understand how to integrate all your business’s people, processes, and resources; and “how-to” align finance, sales, operations, and technology.  They help you make tough decisions and act.   

When interviewing Turnaround Consultants

  • Understand their approach to discover “why” and “what to expect.”
  • Discuss “how” they can help you communicate with your employees, customers, suppliers, lenders, and others.
  • Ask “how” turnaround success is measured.
  • Talk with their references.

When choosing Turnaround Consultants, remember –

  • Consultants exist to help you significantly improve performance.
  • Consultants challenge your organization to rethink “why” and “how to.”
  • Consultants work with you and your team to assess, lead, plan, and execute.
  • Consultants help drive urgency, clarity, priorities, and decision-making.

Not every turnaround is successful – for many good reasons.  Depending on your company’s circumstances, its chances may be only 50/50. 

Business Edge has been devoted to Turnaround Consulting since early 2008.  Our people have over 40 years of turnaround and receivership consulting experience.  We are here for the long term.  We help companies move from stress to success.

Terry Myers, Tom Schnurr, and Rick Lowenberg are experienced Turnaround Consultants guiding companies to bridge the gap, to revitalize, and to optimize stakeholder value.  Contact Terry at, or Tom at, or Rick at
